Online Courses

Diploma in Multimedia Journalism

To join this course you should be over 18 years of age and have a good command of the English language.

Are you ready to tell a story?
Welcome to the world of multimedia journalism--where professionals in this field are considered to be storytellers working across many dimensions. Multimedia journalists are known for following the traditional pillars of journalism--objectivity, accuracy, credible sourcing and strong writing--but they share their stories by utilizing text, images, audio, and video.

What makes multimedia journalism timely and significant?
Multimedia journalism offers today's journalists with the opportunity to do their job more effectively by actively engaging readers with the content that they provide. The present crop of journalists ensure that their messages come across their intended audiences via direct interaction, discussion, exploration and analysis of issues among journalists and readers.

What will you learn?
Our course in multimedia journalism is aimed at training you to be a good storyteller. The course outline includes key introductions into various aspects of multimedia journalism, which are events, social media, radio, television and photography. We will also teach you the basics, from how to do interviews to actually sitting down and writing your story. Upon completion of this course, you will have improved your journalist skills and be at par with any multimedia organization.

An online tutor will mentor you throughout the course
We know you will have questions that need to be answered only by someone who has the experience and know-how of the trade. In line with this, once you have signed up for this course, we will immediately appoint a working and experienced journalist as your mentor and tutor. These professionals offer vast knowledge and experience from years of working in the industry and are on hand to share their insight, advice and other recommendations as you complete the course.

Course Modules

Course Costs

Item Cost in Euro
Diploma in Multimedia Journalism  €1038.00
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Orient Planet Academy has been established in response to the huge demand for communications professionals in the Middle East.


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