Online Courses

Diploma in Radio Journalism

To join this course you should be over 18 years of age and have a good command of the English language.

Become the voice of your generation!
The highly diverse world of broadcast journalism awaits you. We offer an exceptional course outline that will teach you how to develop your story ideas, do research, interview people, write the story and broadcasting your report. During the duration of the course, we will ensure that you develop the necessary skills and talents needed to become a world-class radio reporter--arming you with enthusiasm, stamina, determination, confidence, interpersonal skills and excellence in oral and writing abilities.

Why choose this course?
The introduction to radio journalism course was developed with the chief aim of helping the candidate develop and improve their basic journalism and media skills--particularly in the field of radio. The whole program is focused on further developing your knowledge and skills in radio journalism, which starts from coming up with ideas for your story to how to present it via different kinds of content to a diverse listening audience.

We will teach you what makes something 'newsworthy' and how to utilize different angles to approach a story--from research, interviewing and presenting the story through an appealing way for select audiences.

What's in store for you?
Our course in radio journalism covers all the essentials needed to create and share original content. The course outline includes key introductions into various aspects of radio journalism, which are investigations, ethics, law, sources, the web, grammar, interview techniques, writing the story and how to properly use your voice in reporting. Upon completion of this course, you will have improved your journalist skills and be at par with any multimedia organization.

An online tutor will mentor you throughout the course
We understand the need for candidates to interact with someone who knows the industry well. This is why we appoint a working and experienced journalist as your mentor and tutor. These professionals offer vast knowledge and experience from years of working in the broadcast industry, particularly in radio reporting. These experts will be on hand to share their insight, advice and other recommendations as you complete the course.

Course Modules

Course Costs

Item Cost in Euro
Diploma in Radio Journalism  €1165.00
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Orient Planet Academy has been established in response to the huge demand for communications professionals in the Middle East.


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